Saturday, April 20, 2013

When Plans Don't Go As Planned

When Plans Don't Go As Planned
Ever had your plans fall apart, like fallin' dominoes? We were gettin’ ready for our revival when Frog Holler had a terrible storm. It was the worst storm in 50 years, accordin’ to Mamma.

It all started when the wind got up. Then the rain started pourin'. It was the worst gully washer I’d ever seen. Then it started rainin’ frogs. Yep, the wind blew so hard that it blew up all the frogs from the holler. When I looked out of my window, all I could see were frogs fallin’ from the sky.

Revival was gonna' start the next weekend. Here's where our plans started to unravel.

First of all, 'cause of the storm, frogs invested our church. So, we were havin' to hold the revival in a tent. Some of the people thought you just couldn't worship in a tent. That's a whole other story.
Then the preacher, Rev. Pratts, got sick and couldn't come.
Next, Rev. Pratts sent someone to take his place that none of us had ever heard of. His name was Rev. Clappins.

Nothin' was workin' out as planned. But, it's a revival I'll never forget! Rev. Clappins told us ‘bout his Mamma, who wasn’t a Christian. With tears in his eyes, he shared with us how he read the Bible to her when she was in the hospital. His Mamma came to know Christ right there in her hospital bed! There wasn’t a dry eye in the church. Rev. Clappins is just the preacher we needed for our revival.
It's easy to get caught up in your plans, and wantin’ everthin’ to be just right, you forget that God’s plan’s are always better!  We need to worry less and trust in God more! He’s still in control!

Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”

Lord, thank you that you're in control! Keep us focused more on you and not on the "things" we have to do. In the name of Jesus, amen.

Things To Think 'Bout:

1. How do you react when your plans fall apart?
2. Do you trust that God's in control?

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