Mamma always says that life's more like just a closer stumble with Thee. As I get older, I understand what she means by that.
Paul said to tha' faithful in Christ who were in Colsse: As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:6-7
You 'n me und'r tha' tree,
Hearts 'a love so happy 'n free.
Hand 'n hand we are spree,
Hand 'n hand we are spree,
You 'n me und'r tha' tree.
I've read that tha' oak tree has a long, deep taproot that goes way down in tha' dirt. It soaks up water 'n food as it grows more 'n more roots. Tha' roots keep tha' tree stand'n strong.
Just like tha' oak tree, our faith needs ta' be grounded in God. What do we need ta' do for this ta' happen?
1. Believe in God 'n keep focus'd on Him
2. Stay in God's word
3. Pray ta' Him all tha' time
4. Be giv'n ta' others
5. Trust God 'n praise Him
6. Persevere ev'n in tha' hard times
7. Share Him with others
Lord, I pray that our our roots be grounded in You so that our faith will stay strong. If someone doesn't know ya' yet, I pray that you'll touch their heart. In tha' name 'a Jesus, amen.
Meet my guest blogger for Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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