Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A New Heart

A New Heart

     Daddy was never one to go to the doctor unless he felt really sick.  One time when he hadn’t  been feelin’ up to par for a few weeks, Mamma finally got him to go to the doctor.  I went with Daddy, bein’ I was home from beauty school.

  The doctor ran some tests in his office includin’ an EKG.  Somethin’ showed up on the test that the doctor didn’t like.  He set up an appointment for a heart catheterization for the next day. 


     This test showed that Daddy had blockages in five different arteries.  We were all shocked! Other than bein’ tired, Daddy didn’t have any other symptoms.  Daddy was gonna need a quintuple bypass.  This was the most major event to happen in our family. 


     After surgery, Daddy had a reaction to one of the medications which kept him in the hospital longer than planned.  Finally, he was well enough to come home.  Within a few weeks, Daddy was back to his old self.  He went back to work stronger ‘n healthier. 


     Lookin’ back on Daddy’s heart surgery reminds me that we all get a new heart when we accept Jesus as our Savior!    



Ezekiel 18:31 Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit.
Lord, thank you for the new heart we get when we receive you as our personal Savior. In the name of Jesus, amen.
Things To Think 'Bout:
1. Have you accepted Jesus?
2. Do you need a heart check-up?

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