Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sink Or Swim-Survial Tips On Stayin' The Course-Tip #1

Sink or Swim-Survival Tips On Stayin' The Course
Tip #1 Stay The Course While The Tide Rises 'n Falls 'Round Your Feet
Video Blog Post

Things To Think 'Bout:

1. How do you handle tempation?

2. Are you trustin' God to help you?

Lord, as tempation rises 'n falls 'round our feet every day, keep us close to you so we can be strong to stay the course you've set for us. In the name of Jesus, amen.


  1. Love your videos. It isn't temptation or trusting God for me. It's how do I know what God wants me to do. I pray that God would close the doors on the things He doesn't want me to do, but all doors seem open. Hard to decide what is the right path when there is no clear guidance from God.

  2. Sometimes God is silent. He's working on things for you JoJo! It's hard to be patient. That's where total trust and faith comes in. Praying God will open a clear direction for you soon!
    Janet bka Mitsy Lou
